Brazilian Series
Drama/Apocalypse Zombie
Text: "We certify that the project "ELLLAS" with excellence and quality is the winner in the category of Best Unproduced Screenplay Narrative at the CAWCINE 10 Years Festival, in the celebratory 11th edition in 2021"
I am thrilled to share that our project "ELLLAS" has been honored with excellence and quality, emerging as the triumphant winner in the category of Best Unproduced Screenplay Narrative at the prestigious CAWCINE 10 Years Festival. 

This victory marks not only a celebration of our creative vision but also a testament to the dedication and passion poured into every aspect of our work.

As I reflect on the journey that led us to this momentous achievement, I am reminded of the countless hours of brainstorming, drafting, and refining our narrative. Each line penned, each character crafted, was infused with a profound sense of purpose and commitment to storytelling excellence.

In the face of challenges and setbacks, we persevered, fueled by a shared belief in the power of our story to captivate, inspire, and resonate with audiences far and wide. Our collective efforts have borne fruit, affirming that dedication, perseverance, and unwavering commitment to craft are the cornerstones of success.

But beyond the accolades and recognition, what truly sets "ELLLAS" apart is the underlying message it carries—the power of resilience, the beauty of diversity, and the triumph of the human spirit. It is a story that transcends boundaries, touching hearts and igniting imaginations with its potent blend of emotion and authenticity.

As we stand on this podium of triumph, let us not only celebrate our victory but also rededicate ourselves to the pursuit of storytelling that uplifts, enlightens, and unites. May "ELLLAS" serve as a beacon of hope and inspiration, inspiring future generations of storytellers to dare, dream, and create narratives that change the world.

In the end, our journey is not defined by the awards we receive but by the impact we make and the lives we touch. And in that regard, "ELLLAS" has already left an indelible mark on the tapestry of cinema, forever reminding us of the transformative power of storytelling.


